Alain SOREIL artiste peintre français . Il vit et peint à PARIS.
Passionné par l'Art sous toutes ses formes, il rêve, dessine et peint chaque jour. Autodidacte pour l'essentiel, il fréquente les cours libres des Beaux-Arts et garde des dissections qu'il pratique en faculté de médecine un regard incisif dans l'appréhension, l'équilibre et les postures des corps.
Sa sensibilité exacerbée par la longue pratique des arts martiaux associée à une curiosité insatiable le font peindre avec force, frénésie, engagement et introspection. Sa peinture figurative, expressive et symboliste à la fois renvoie chacun d'entre nous au plus profond de lui même en quête des vérités qui ne cessent de rythmer nos vies.
Alain SOREIL, French painter. Today he lives and paints in Paris. Alain Soreil has a passion for Arts of any kind. He dreams, draws sketches and paints all day long. He is mainly a self-taught painter: he attended some classes in a Fine-Arts school as an unregistered student, and above all, keeps in memory the dissections of his medical studies which have a huge impact on the way he looks sharply at bodies, at their posture and balance. His long-standing knowledge and practice of Martial Arts gave him an exaggerated sensitivity, which, along with his endless curiosity, make him paint with intensity, frenzy, personal commitment and introspection. His representational, expressive and symbolist painting sends each of us in the depths of ourselves searching for the truths which keep on governing our lives.
“I like nude paintings because I can reveal a truth through these undressed bodies. Whatever it is, male or female bodies, in these two cases, I want to appeal Beauty, Desire, and Hope of a happier world. Stories are hidden in my paintings. To discover them, you need to observe for a long time into the composition of the painting, marks of paintbrush, and to find the symbols...
Pain, Feelings, and the beauty of souls attract me and give me a reason to live. Each part of the painted bodies is alive, attractive and useful to perception of life spaces.
During all my life, in the course of my meetings with men and women, I gave priority to love, friendship, positive feelings. I give importance to essential values such as respect, struggles against discriminations, racism, stupidity, hatred, violence. I want to defend men, women, the weak, the poor, the oppressed people. I call for love, freedom and beauty. That’s what I try to communicate through my painting. I want to create positive paintings, and when they seem to be provocative, it’s just to encourage people to be aware of reality and to react in order to change their selfish behaviours. I want to create paintings that bring serenity and happiness into people’s home; paintings that radiate.”